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Introduction - Che Guevara and world politics
Globalizations, Special Issue "Che Lives!", 20(8): 1426-1446. DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2023.2274649
Che’s critique of the Organization of American States: from Punta del Este (1961) to Bolivia (2019)
Shannon Brincat & Juan Z. N. Cáceres (2023)
Globalizations, Special Issue "Che Lives!", DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2023.2243750
Che Lives! The Legacy of Che Guevara in World Politics
Shannon Brincat and Michael Löwy
Globalizations, Special Issue "Che Lives!", 2023.
Class and Climate Change Adaptation in Rural India
With Maryam Aslany, Development and Change, 29(3), 2021: 571-582
Imagination in International Relations
Shannon Brincat with Caitlin Sparks & Tim Aistrope (2022), International Studies Quarterly, 66(3).
'Ordering the Wild': How Adaptive Management is used to Maintain Nature like a Postcard
Gelves-Gomez, Brincat et al. 2022. Society and Natural Resources, 2022. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2023.2172241
The discourses of climate change science: Scientific reporting, climate negotiations and the case of Papua New Guinea
With Sophie Pascoe and Ashleigh Croucher, Global Environmental Change, 54, 2019: 78-87.
When Öcalan met Bookchin: The Kurdish Freedom Movement and the Political Theory of Democratic Confederalism
With Damian Gerber, Geopolitics, 26(1), 2018: 973-997.
* Republished in: Building Free Life: Dialogues with Öcalan, (International Initiative Eds.), Oakland, CA: PM Press/Kairos, 2020. 9781629637044
Cosmopolitan Recognition
International Theory, 9(1), 2017: 1-32.
'Behemoth pulls the peasant’s plough’: Convergence and Resistance to Business Civilization in China
With George Karavas, Globalizations, 13(5), 2016: 622-637.
Traditional or Problem-Solving Theory? An analysis of Horkheimer and Cox’s setting of the Traditional/Critical Divide
Globalizations, 13(5), 2016: 563-577.
Dialectical Tensions: Marcuse, Dunayevskaya and the Problems of the Age
Thesis Eleven, 134(1), 2016: 107-121.
Global Climate Change Justice: From Rawls’ Law of Peoples to Honneth’s Conditions of Freedom
Environmental Ethics, Fall 37(3), 2015: 277-305.
The Necessity of Dialectical Naturalism: Marcuse, Bookchin and dialectics in the wake of ecological crises
With Damian Gerber, Antipode, 47(4), 2015: 871-893.
Link to Antipode Foundation video abstract.
Dialectics and World Politics: The Story So Far…
Globalizations, 11(5), 2014: 587-604.
Dialectics for IR: Hegel and the Dao
With L.H.M. Ling, Globalizations, 11(5), 2014: 661-687.
* Winner of the best theory paper in IR, awarded by the Theory Section ISA (2015).
Recognition, Violence and the Problem of Ethical Community
Global Discourse, Vol. 4(4), 2014: 397-408.
The Problem of Chaotic Civil Society
Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies, essay (peer reviewed) in Special Issue ‘Ontological Anarché: Beyond Materialism and Idealism’, 2013(2): 250-258.
The Harm Principle and Recognition Theory: On the complementarity between Linklater, Honneth and the project of emancipation
Critical Horizons, 14(2), 2013: 225-256.
To Occupy is to Demand
Global Change, Peace & Security, communication piece (peer reviewed) in OCIS IV Special Issue, 25(1), 2013: 131-133.
On the Methods of Critical Theory: How CIRT has advanced the project of emancipation in the early Frankfurt School
International Relations, 26(2), 2012: 218-245.
Towards a Social-Relational Dialectic for World Politics
European Journal of International Relations, 17(4), 2011: 679-703.
Two New Interpretations of Adorno: Pippin and Honneth
Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, 17(1), 2010: 167-174.
Negativity and Open-Endedness in the Dialectic of World Politics
Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 34(4), 2009: 455-493.
Hegel’s Gesture to Radical Cosmopolitanism
Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies, 1(1), 2009: 47-65.
Reclaiming the Utopian Imaginary in IR Theory
Review of International Studies, 35(3), 2009: 581-609.
The Legal Philosophy of Internationally Assisted Tyrannicide
Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy, 34 (2009): 151-192.
'Death to Tyrants’: Self-Defence, Human Rights, and Tyrannicide – Part II
Journal of International Political Theory, 5(1), 2009: 75-93.
'Death to Tyrants': The Political Philosophy of Tyrannicide – Part I
Journal of International Political Theory, 4(2), 2008: 212-240.
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