Shannon Brincat (2024), ‘Pope Francis’ visit to Timor-Lesteis powerful and symbolic, but also political’, September 9, 2024. https://theconversation.com/pope-francis-visit-to-timor-leste-is-powerful-and-symbolic-but-also-political-237977
Shannon Brincat (2024). ‘Are the far-left and far-right merging together? That’s what the ‘horseshoe theory’ of politics says, but it’s wrong’, September 5, 2024. https://theconversation.com/are-the-far-left-and-far-right-merging-together-thats-what-the-horseshoe-theory-of-politics-says-but-its-wrong-234079
Shannon Brincat (2024). ‘Dialectics in Mādhyamaka Buddhism and what it can teach us in IR’, E-IR. https://www.e-ir.info/2024/01/25/dialectics-in-madhyamaka-buddhism-and-what-it-can-teach-international-relations/
Shannon Brincat (2022), “The Putin Problem? Is there ever a case to kill tyrants?” The Conversation, 21 March. At: https://theconversation.com/the-putin-problem-is-there-ever-a-case-to-kill-tyrants-179295
Shannon Brincat (2022), “ScoMo v Albo in an election like no other: USC expert reveals what we're in for,” Sunshine Coast News, January 4, 2022. At: https://www.sunshinecoastnews.com.au/2022/01/04/a-federal- election-like-no-other/
Shannon Brincat (2021), “What sets social ecology aside from other radical green forms of thought?,” Dialogues on Social Ecology, (E. Finley & F. Venturini Eds.), 2020-2021.
Shannon Brincat (2021), “Divided States of America: USC expert explains the uphill battle facing President Biden,” Sunshine Coast News, January 23, 2021. At: https://www.sunshinecoastnews.com.au/2021/01/23/bidens-battle-to-restore-superpower-usc-expert/
Roar Magazine, 15th January 2021
The Insurgency in Cabo Del Gado
Africa is a Country, 30th March, 2020
Progress in Political Economy, 29th October, 2018
The Future of Popular Geopolitics: Zombie Evolution and the Return to the Social
E-International Relations, 3rd October, 2018.
To resist Trump’s Tyranny, just don’t comply
The Conversation, 3rd February, 2017.
On Their Own Terms: Remembering History in a Changing Cuba
With Samid Suliman, New Matilda, 28th April, 2016.
Mücadeleniz unutulamaz [‘Your Struggle is Not Forgotten’]
Politika, in Kurdish, 20th January 2016.
Turkey Has Begun Arresting Academics For Speaking Out Against State Violence
With Federica Caso, New Matilda, 1st February, 2016.
With Nico Taylor, forum in Campus Review, January 2015.
Homage to Kobani: How is the Left to Act?
New Matilda, 12th October, 2014.
Onko kasvihuonekaasuvero päästökauppaa tehokkaampi toimenpide?
With Heikki Patömaki, in Finnish, 31st January, 2011. http://www.helsinki.fi/yliopisto/
Youth and Disillusionment
The Bulletin, October, 2007.
Blog in Can World Politics Save Planet Earth, 16th May 2017.
Authoritarian Institutions are a Danger to Us All
With Stefanie Fishel, at Installing (Social) Order, 16th November 2016.
An Interview With Andrew Linklater
Global Discourse, 1(1), 2010, 16-23.
'For Someone and for Some Purpose', an interview with Robert. W. Cox
Interview conducted in La Barboleusaz, Switzerland, between 14-16 June, 2009. Appears in Critical Theory in International Relations and Security Studies: Interviews and Reflections.
Citizenship, Harm and the Transformation of World Politics, an interview with Andrew Linklater
Interview conducted in Aberystwyth, Wales, between May-July 2009. Appears in Critical Theory in International Relations and Security Studies: Interviews and Reflections.
Recorded at the European International Studies Conference, Sicily, 2015.
Special Forum on ‘Anarchism and IR’
In Global Discourse, from the 'Anarchism and World Politics Colloquium, University of Bristol, 17-18 June 2010